HomeOur ServicesSilk Screen Processing Technology

Silk Screen Processing Technology

Screen printing refers to using a silk screen as a base and making a screen printing plate with images through a photosensitive platemaking method. Screen printing consists of five major elements: screen printing plate, scraper, ink, printing table and substrate. Printing is based on the basic principle that the mesh holes of the image part of the screen printing plate can pass the ink, while the mesh holes of the non-image part cannot pass the ink. When printing, pour ink on one end of the screen printing plate, use a scraper to apply a certain pressure to the ink part on the screen printing plate, and move at a constant speed toward the other end of the screen printing plate. During the movement, the ink is squeezed from the mesh holes of the image part to the substrate by the scraper.
1. Screen printing can use a variety of inks. That is: oil-based, water-based, synthetic resin emulsion, powder and other types of ink.
2. The layout is soft. The screen printing layout is soft and has a certain elasticity. It is not only suitable for printing on soft objects such as paper and cloth, but also suitable for printing on hard objects, such as glass, ceramics, etc.
3. The screen printing has a small pressing force. Since the pressure used during printing is small, it is also suitable for printing on fragile objects.
4. The ink layer is thick and has strong coverage.
5. It is not limited by the surface shape of the substrate and the size of the area. As mentioned above, screen printing can be printed not only on flat surfaces, but also on curved surfaces or spherical surfaces; it is not only suitable for printing on small objects, but also on larger objects. This printing method has great flexibility and wide applicability.

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